Take a deep breath and think about it.

I used to call myself "little Miss Cranky-Pants". Over the last few years, I've change my outlook on life and am happier than before, but still working on my issues (aren't we all?) This is where I display and comment on the views of today, funny posts and constant chronicles of my annoying weight loss.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Cry me a river Cane

This was me response to a man, Mr. Cane, in a discussion room about the presidential race. He doesn’t trust anyone and said:

“I came from a hard life, but I went to school and worked to get a get ahead. My wife and I make a good living, but under Obama’s tax plan we would get taxed more to help people who make less. Why should I care about them? I shouldn’t have to pay more taxes for people too lazy to get a job. They can go to school and get out just like I did and make something of themselves. I’m voting McCain because he isn’t all about taking money from those who earned it and giving it to those who didn’t.”

My response:

Mr. Cane, the fact that you graduated college these passed eight years is a step up; not many Americans can, even with loans. Perhaps you could use a little more schooling.

Why should you care?? Because you LIVE HERE. You are an American sir, and that used to mean something. It didn't always mean that we are the world's babysitter or cowboy with an itchy trigger finger. People who love America never used to be ashamed of it; it used to mean that people could come here to make a better life for themselves. Many still believe that, but they aren't getting any help from the government that is supposed to be working for them.

In an ideal world, a small tax increase to a specific group might sound unfair, but look at where we are. There is no way to get America out of the Bush-dug hole it is in. We can't just ask other countries for money (even though we have tried); no one respects us anymore. If you qualify for Obama’s increase, you must make over $250,000 a year…so you aren’t exactly hurting. Taxing the people who have gotten rich buy milking the rest of us is a good way to undo a bit of the horrible damage. The middle and lower class have been paying them for eight years and seen nothing but failure...it's our turn for a chance to fix this mess.

Simply put, we are in the shit. McCain isn't going to make it better and Palin is not only completely unqualified, she is dangerous. What little information she has she wields like a kid with his Dad's gun, no matter who she is supposed to be aiming at. When she has no answers, she makes shit UP. Is that really who you want trying to fix this mess? I suppose it doesn’t matter to you anyway. After all, you don’t care.


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