Prop. 8, Part 2: My Opinion
WOW. I don't even know where to start. I guess I will go in order.
Right away the third paragraph is horrible; to tell people what their rights are. Marrying animals, siblings or even wheels of cheese are absolutely NOT in any way the same as marrying a member of the same sex. It is moronic to even compare them, and just makes people sound ridiculous. Having "gay friends" doesn't mean anything either; it’s like a badge people wear to try and seem tolerant. So is “oh, I love them to death I do…” Obviously, not enough to give them the same right they enjoy.
Traditionally, marriages were arranged for financial gain or an increase in status. Men regularly had affairs, even to the point where the other woman could live in the same house as the man's family. Women used to be blamed if they didn't "produce" sons; they were beaten or killed for having affairs or questioning the fidelity of the man. Some of these attributes went on as late as the sixties. That is not a tradition I want to keep. Granted, today’s marriages (for the most part) are different. That means they aren’t “traditional” either; they have changed with society. Adultery is still not a punishable crime though, is it? It is a civil (legal) matter. So is marriage, and legally, all people are supposed to be created equal. If marriage is so sacred, why not stop a drunken couple in Vegas from desecrating it?
Stating that things were better when woman stayed at home to cook and clean and men did the work is so disgusting I could vomit. This man is a complete sexist, which taints anything he tries to say about the rights he thinks people should have. He claims to be tolerant in the first half, and blatantly displays that he isn't in the last half. He actually hurts the cause of people trying to fight this bill
Yes, taxes are bad. Blame the guy who’s been in charge for the last 8 years; he made it that way. Since men still make more than women, two "dudes" together should make a great financial couple.
The Merry Christmas thing was indeed stupid in my opinion. Say whatever you want; you are celebrating a season. However, don't get huffy when I say "Merry Yule" or Happy Kwanzaa."
The Bible was not written by God but men, who are fallible. When God tells me himself that is what he 'decrees,' I'll listen.
Using different words (garriage, as mentioned by one comment is horribly insulting and childish) isn’t the same. Here is my comparison: Separate but equal; having a black school and a white school apart from each other. Both get taught sure, but bear the stigma of hate, fear and intolerance. Neither of these are equal and by my own personal standards, moral. (Morality is not the same for everyone either, everyone has their own set whether we agree or not.)
This is about equality for all humans. The modern term ‘marriage’ signifies a consensual union. Not just between man and woman, but by people who want to spend their lives together with the person they love. The name means a lot, or this argument wouldn’t even occur. Homosexuals want the same rights to use that term; the word that means so much. It’s like saying they can’t use the word “love”, but have to say “really like;” it just isn’t the same.
I respect that I completely disagree with this person and I feel sorry for them, while at the same time feel ill. I believe that not all conservatives are extremists, even though I have yet to meet a conservative who believes the same about liberals. Liberals in my experience are more tolerant, more reasonable, more factual and for the most part less extreme. I say “factual” because we are often accused of taking science over faith, which can (but not always) be true; just as not all conservatives blindly follow every word of the Bible if they are not comfortable with it. I dislike this man, but I am not disregarding anyone’s beliefs, which this man proudly does.
I will now ask you to respect MY views, as I have done; but asking won’t make anyone do it. I’ll still get told that I am “prayed for” by people who pity me and told that I am “going to burn in hell” by those who disagree. I will not say anyone is going to hell; or wish them harm. I am simply presenting the other side of this controversial subject.
Right away the third paragraph is horrible; to tell people what their rights are. Marrying animals, siblings or even wheels of cheese are absolutely NOT in any way the same as marrying a member of the same sex. It is moronic to even compare them, and just makes people sound ridiculous. Having "gay friends" doesn't mean anything either; it’s like a badge people wear to try and seem tolerant. So is “oh, I love them to death I do…” Obviously, not enough to give them the same right they enjoy.
Traditionally, marriages were arranged for financial gain or an increase in status. Men regularly had affairs, even to the point where the other woman could live in the same house as the man's family. Women used to be blamed if they didn't "produce" sons; they were beaten or killed for having affairs or questioning the fidelity of the man. Some of these attributes went on as late as the sixties. That is not a tradition I want to keep. Granted, today’s marriages (for the most part) are different. That means they aren’t “traditional” either; they have changed with society. Adultery is still not a punishable crime though, is it? It is a civil (legal) matter. So is marriage, and legally, all people are supposed to be created equal. If marriage is so sacred, why not stop a drunken couple in Vegas from desecrating it?
Stating that things were better when woman stayed at home to cook and clean and men did the work is so disgusting I could vomit. This man is a complete sexist, which taints anything he tries to say about the rights he thinks people should have. He claims to be tolerant in the first half, and blatantly displays that he isn't in the last half. He actually hurts the cause of people trying to fight this bill
Yes, taxes are bad. Blame the guy who’s been in charge for the last 8 years; he made it that way. Since men still make more than women, two "dudes" together should make a great financial couple.
The Merry Christmas thing was indeed stupid in my opinion. Say whatever you want; you are celebrating a season. However, don't get huffy when I say "Merry Yule" or Happy Kwanzaa."
The Bible was not written by God but men, who are fallible. When God tells me himself that is what he 'decrees,' I'll listen.
Using different words (garriage, as mentioned by one comment is horribly insulting and childish) isn’t the same. Here is my comparison: Separate but equal; having a black school and a white school apart from each other. Both get taught sure, but bear the stigma of hate, fear and intolerance. Neither of these are equal and by my own personal standards, moral. (Morality is not the same for everyone either, everyone has their own set whether we agree or not.)
This is about equality for all humans. The modern term ‘marriage’ signifies a consensual union. Not just between man and woman, but by people who want to spend their lives together with the person they love. The name means a lot, or this argument wouldn’t even occur. Homosexuals want the same rights to use that term; the word that means so much. It’s like saying they can’t use the word “love”, but have to say “really like;” it just isn’t the same.
I respect that I completely disagree with this person and I feel sorry for them, while at the same time feel ill. I believe that not all conservatives are extremists, even though I have yet to meet a conservative who believes the same about liberals. Liberals in my experience are more tolerant, more reasonable, more factual and for the most part less extreme. I say “factual” because we are often accused of taking science over faith, which can (but not always) be true; just as not all conservatives blindly follow every word of the Bible if they are not comfortable with it. I dislike this man, but I am not disregarding anyone’s beliefs, which this man proudly does.
I will now ask you to respect MY views, as I have done; but asking won’t make anyone do it. I’ll still get told that I am “prayed for” by people who pity me and told that I am “going to burn in hell” by those who disagree. I will not say anyone is going to hell; or wish them harm. I am simply presenting the other side of this controversial subject.
At 4:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
"It’s like saying they can’t use the word “love”, but have to say “really like;” it just isn’t the same."
YES. I don't understand how people who think like this are convinced they have gay "friends." Maybe in a "friends who have to sit in the back of the bus" kind of way?
At 5:34 PM,
Dann Rafferty said…
I actually left a comment on your previous post about this, but I (of course) completely agree.
I know a few openly conservative people on facebook, and all of them have pulled the "I have gay friends (so obviously I'm not prejudice)" line. It's such a load of crap.
At 7:53 PM,
Mamaclsn said…
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At 7:56 PM,
Mamaclsn said…
"Marrying animals, siblings or even wheels of cheese are absolutely NOT in any way the same as marrying a member of the same sex. It is moronic to even compare them, and just makes people sound ridiculous."
Why, because you say so?
"Stating that things were better when woman stayed at home to cook and clean and men did the work is so disgusting I could vomit."
Where is this "tolerance" I hear so much about? It seems to me that differing opinions, especially conservative ones, are in NO WAY tolerated around here.
"When God tells me himself that is what he 'decrees,' I'll listen."
You are gonna have to decide to listen in the first place. God doesn't shout.
It is pretty obvious that you believeconservatives are out dated people who have no brains. Or maybe people to be pitied? The point of my friend's comment was that Christians do not hate people! But Christians don't like to see sin promoted to people as normal or good... that is the basics of it. We also constantly have our rights infringed upon when sin is made the acceptable law of the land... indoctrinating the youth of America (when they should be learning how to spell) and putting on public displays of lewdness in all manner for us to be forced to look at or be brought up on some kind of hate crime charges.
Where does it end? How is your morality better or more acceptable than mine? A few things for you all to think about.
At 3:01 PM,
Gibulet said…
Not because I say so, but because they aren't comparible. The only commonality with sibling-marriage is that presumably sex is involved, in which case it is also comparible to heterosexuals (more so if the couple in question is of different sexes). With animals, well thats like comparing eyeglasses and octopi; no real relevance there at all.
I have no issues with conservative views, as long as they are not deemed to be the only one. This person was screaming that he was right, and people should deal. If a woman wants to stay home with the kids and have her husband support them, I really dont care; whatever works for their family. I have a problem with this person more than implying that everything wrong with marriage today stems from women leaving their home and get jobs. I am tolerant of a lot, but sexism and bigotry are not some of them.
"We also constantly have our rights infringed upon" ? White Christians are the majority of this country. The laws and lawmakers are voted on, again by majority. I don't think your being held down by the man.
My point was that I will not be dictated to about what God wants according to what someone else says. I DO believe that good ideas in the bible are routinely twisted to serve others' purposes and own intolerances, which is again what this person does. This article is in no way displaying that Christians are tolerant. It does the exact opposite in fact.
"Public displays of lewdness"? What is this? Dude if ANYONE is having sex in public, gay or straight, that isnt right. I don't even know where that came from. If you are gay you are no more prone to lewdness than a straight couple.
The point is that not all Christians are intolerant, and not all Liberals are evil. Give and a take a bit there. I absolutely DO NOT hate all Christians, or believe them to be stupid. I also don't believe that all Christian believe (or even HAVE to) the same ideals. Aunt Mary is a completely different type of Christian than you, but that does not diminish her faith. I DO hate any religion or practioner who deems themselves all-knowing, all-seeing moralizers; here to set everyone else straight no matter what.
I didnt comment on your stance in this person's article as I really do not believe you to be like that. I merely commented on what this person said and what I have heard before.
At 10:26 PM,
Joy said…
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At 12:16 AM,
Mamaclsn said…
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