Take a deep breath and think about it.

I used to call myself "little Miss Cranky-Pants". Over the last few years, I've change my outlook on life and am happier than before, but still working on my issues (aren't we all?) This is where I display and comment on the views of today, funny posts and constant chronicles of my annoying weight loss.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Scientology: the next stage of Darwinism

Ok, so I am not one to knock any particular religion (unless it involves killing others). I say believe what you want, as long as you don't force it on me and it doesn't hurt anyone. However, this begged my attention, as I do believe it harms others, so here we go.

Social Darwinism - a sociological theory that sociocultural advance is the product of intergroup conflict and competition and the socially elite classes (as those possessing wealth and power) possess biological superiority in the struggle for existence.

Scientology - a group of crazies trying to gain all the power, money and elite status by brainwashing innocents in hopes that they can possess this superior existance and hopefully not go the way of the Dodo. Or have evil spirits from another planet invade their body. Or have a psychiatrist steal their mind.

AKA, a good way to organize all the crazy people into one area so they don't hurt themselves tripping over the sane people.

For a good example of some of the symptoms of this, for lack of a better word, disease, check out the top loon himself, Tom Cruise.

This 'recruiting video' is called Tom Cruise: Scientologist. Yes, it is spoken as "Tom Cruise: Avenger of Justice."


Some things of interest in this video:

"[we] are the only ones who can really help."

"We have the authority to cure drug addiction, isssues of the mind, impulse conditions and rehabilitate criminals"

"...people of Earth..."

"...create the new reality..."

and of course, check out Mr. Cruise-Crazy's INSANE laughter at minutes 4:22 and 8:45. He sounds like a maniac.


The original Oprah "incident." I had actually never seen it. Yeah, it's as bad as you think. Even Oprah seems very scared, and calls him "gone." He strikes his Elvis-kneeling-punch thing a million times and attacks Oprah's hands a lot as well. He even literally DRAGS Katie Holmes onstage, like a prize puppy.

Now, here is the story that I TRIED to find on the officially Scientology website, but they have removed it (I have seen it there before). Apparently, the back-story of their religion is a source of embarrassment to them. Only high level "thetans" are supposed to know this story, and I believe that it is withheld until you are so deeply entralled with this nonsense that you will believe anything.


Let us also not forget, Scientologies views on Psychiatry:

** To newcomers and the general public, Scientology teaches that psychology is worthless and destructive. In their official publication What Is Scientology?, they state that psychology "provides no means of producing actual improvement" and has "no tools at all for dealing with the mentally ill" and stands for "ineffectiveness, lies and inhuman brutality. Its basic assumption revolved around the idea that with enough punishment, anyone could be restored to sanity." However, in more advanced Scientology studies, members read a bulletin called "Pain and Sex", which states that sex is an unnatural perversion for humans and that sex was invented by psychiatrists millions of years ago to trap us. It says that "pain and sex were the INVENTED TOOLS of degradation" created by psychiatrists, and "the stocks-in-trade of psychs are pain and sex." This is a key teaching behind Scientology's vehement opposition to all forms of psychiatry - the bulletin says that psychiatrists "have been on the track a long time and are the sole cause of decline in this universe."

On October 7, 1995, Scientology's Chairman of the Board, David Miscavage spoke to tens of thousands of Scientologys around the world. He set a goal for Scientology - destroying psychiatry in five years:

"There are a lot of opinions out there as to what is wrong with Earth, 1995. But if you really want to eliminate those problems all you have to do is work for the objectives that we, as
members of the IAS, have set for the year 2000: Objective One - place Scientology at the absolute forefront of Society. Objective Two - eliminate psychiatry in all its forms. Let's get rid of psychiatry, and let's bring Scientology to every man, woman and child on this planet."

Scientologist's also often testify at legislative hearings on proposed laws affecting mental health treatment, claiming there's no scientific basis for the medical treatment of psychiatric illnesses. Lawmakers are rarely aware thatScientologist believe psychiatrists have been directly causing every problem known to humans for many millions of years. Scientologists have lobbied to stop all government funding to mental health facilities and sued drug companies to stop them from producing anti-depressants and anti-psychotic medications.


Now, the very VERY underlying message in Scientology is that man consists of more than he is, and we should try to better ourselves and others. Ok, that is a good thing, sure. However, the craziness that you indeed MUST believe and participate in to make yourselves worthy of this happiness is perfectly assinine. Why must people pay literally thousands of dollars to achieve what they can do on their own? No church/religion in the world should require their members to buy their way into heaven; either with their possessions, life savings, family ties, or in the case of extremist...their lives and the lives of others.

Having faith in something can be a good thing, but do not forget that as long as their has been faith, there has been people twisting it for gain, power, or sheer arrogance.

And just in case anyone asks...no, I absolutely will not apologize for anything I believe or said on this subject. Just as it is your right to believe it, it is my right to criticize it.

** Entire section is from this website: http://www.scientology-lies.com/faq/society/psychiatry.html

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Exxon can go die, like all the wildlife

If Exxon were drowning in piss, I wouldn't throw them a turd. Then I'd raise the water-level myself. Oh, yes...it deserves that much crudeness.

Oil spill ruling leaves Alaska victims stunned
By RACHEL D'ORO, Associated Press Writer Thu Jun 26, 4:42 AM ET

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Mike Lytle, a third-generation fisherman from the coastal village of Cordova, said many residents there were walking around stunned, shaking their heads.
A lot of people he knows were planning their retirements with the $2.5 billion in punitive damages that Exxon Mobil Corp. was expected to pay the nearly 33,000 victims of the worst oil spill in U.S. history.

But the Supreme Court dashed their hopes Wednesday, deciding to cut the punitive damages for the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster to $507.5 million. That translates to an average of $15,000 per victim.

"I always felt that big oil was going to win," said Lytle, 56. "But now I found out what true meaning of punitive damages is: puny."

A jury decided in 1994 that Exxon should pay $5 billion in punitive damages. In 2006, a federal appeals court cut that verdict in half. Wednesday's decision to reduce the amount to one equal to about four days worth of Exxon Mobil's last quarter profits was hailed by the business community and decried by environmentalists and Alaskans.

"This turns America's resources to the oil industry and only the U.S. Congress can do something about it," said Jim Ayers, vice president of the advocacy group Oceana. "If the Congress doesn't act, this means that America's resources, including our marine life, are now in serious jeopardy and can be bought and destroyed for a mere pittance."

Justice David Souter wrote for the court that punitive damages may not exceed what the company already paid to compensate victims for economic losses, or $507.5 million. The 5-3 ruling, which reduced the amount owed by 80 percent, comes almost two decades after the Exxon Valdez supertanker ran aground, spurting 11 million gallons of crude into the rich fishing waters of Prince William Sound that so many Cordova residents rely on for their livelihoods.

"I'm not too surprised," said Derek Blake, 25, who was a young child when he began fishing there with his father. "I thought we might get $1 billion, but it was always in the back of my head we could get nothing."

Robert J. Kopchak lost a quarter of his earnings when the Pacific herring fishery crashed in the early 1990s. Adding to his family's burden at the time, he still owed thousands of dollars on two herring permits that are worthless today.

"It really hurts," he said of Wednesday's ruling. "It gives big business the formula they need to calculate the cost of their actions when they destroy the environment. This gives them the formula to calculate their risk, period."

Sylvia Lange, also of Cordova, used to fish commercially for salmon and haul for the doomed herring fishery. But for her, the spill was about more than lost money. It also was about the end of Alaska Native traditions and a subsistence lifestyle for several villages in the region. Because of the spill, many Alaska Natives were forced to stop harvesting seal, salmon and herring roe and move to urban areas, never to return, said Lange, who is part Aleut and Tlingit.

"A cultural link was definitely broken," she said.

The spill killed hundreds of thousands of birds and other marine animals, inflicting environmental injuries that have not fully recovered, according to numerous scientific studies.

Exxon Mobil maintained that many studies found the area healthy and thriving, countering findings of continuing damage. The company, which posted a $40.7 billion profit last year, had said punitive damages would be excessive punishment on top of the $3.4 billion in cleanup costs, compensatory payments and fines it already has paid.

"The Valdez oil spill was a tragic accident and one which the corporation deeply regrets," Irving, Texas-based Exxon Mobil said in a statement Wednesday. "We know this has been a very difficult time for everyone involved. We have worked hard over many years to address the impacts of the spill and to prevent such accidents from happening in our company again."

On the question of whether Exxon Mobil was liable for punitive damages at all, the court split 4-4, which leaves standing the appeals court opinion saying the company was liable. Justice Samuel Alito, who owns Exxon Mobil stock, took no part in the case.

First-quarter profits at Exxon Mobil were $10.9 billion. The company's 2007 profit was $40.6 billion.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Obama Hilarity

This was an email passed around at work. Read it and laugh out loud.

Rather than restate untruths about Obama, the campaign would do better to start some rumors of its own. Here's a template e-mail the Obama campaign might consider disseminating.

Subject: WHO IS BARACK OBAMA? The Truth About Barack Obama: There are many things people do not know about BARACK OBAMA. It is every American's duty to read this message and pass it along to all of their friends and loved ones.

Barack Obama wears a FLAG PIN at all times. Even in the shower.

Barack Obama says the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE every time he sees an American flag. He also ends every sentence by saying, "WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL." Click here for video of Obama quietly mouthing the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE in his sleep.

A tape exists of Michelle Obama saying the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE at a conference on PATRIOTISM.

Every weekend, Barack and Michelle take their daughters HUNTING.

Barack Obama is a PATRIOTIC AMERICAN. He has one HAND over his HEART at all times. He occasionally switches when one arm gets tired, which is almost never because he is STRONG.

Barack Obama has the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE tattooed on his stomach. It's upside-down, so he can read it while doing sit-ups.

There's only one artist on Barack Obama's iPod: FRANCIS SCOTT KEY.

Barack Obama is a DEVOUT CHRISTIAN. His favorite book is the BIBLE, which he has memorized. His name means HE WHO LOVES JESUS in the ancient language of Aramaic. He is PROUD that Jesus was an American.

Barack Obama goes to church every morning. He goes to church every afternoon. He goes to church every evening. He is IN CHURCH RIGHT NOW.

Barack Obama's new airplane includes a conference room, a kitchen, and a MEGACHURCH.

Barack Obama's skin is the color of AMERICAN SOIL.


Barack Obama says that Americans cling to GUNS and RELIGION because they are AWESOME.