Take a deep breath and think about it.

I used to call myself "little Miss Cranky-Pants". Over the last few years, I've change my outlook on life and am happier than before, but still working on my issues (aren't we all?) This is where I display and comment on the views of today, funny posts and constant chronicles of my annoying weight loss.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

She would do it in a boat...

Jackie and Libby are watching television:

Libby: "I think there is a gratutious sex scene coming up here."

Jackie: "Bout time, this show needs some hot luvin"

L: "Dude, not in the back of a car!"

J: "It's trashy...i like it"

L: "Damn, she is pale! I think the door is open too. It's like fall; they are gonna be cold."

J: "Nah, I think its shut, he's hunched over. He is HOT."

L: "I know, he's tasty. No, see he is like almost kneeling but his head isn't touching the roof. I seriously think the door is open and his feet are dangling out."

J: "See there's the door and the-hand-streaking-down-the-fogged-up-window-shot. It's closed."

L: "Bullshit. They lie. His backseat would have to be freakishly high-roofed. Its uncomfortable to have sex in a car anyway. The ground is better than that."

J: "Nah, I like it. Just gimme some "oncha-oncha" (Jackie's bedspring impression)

Sarah enters: "You see Libby, sex with Jackie is like 'Green eggs and Ham.'"

L: "um...?"

S: "She will do it in a box, she will do it with some lox. She will have him in a train, she will go down on a plane."

(hysterical laughter) "Lox??"

S: "Yes. We are the shiksa mistresses. Give us your sexy Jews."

Monday, November 10, 2008

Prop. 8, Part 2: My Opinion

WOW. I don't even know where to start. I guess I will go in order.

Right away the third paragraph is horrible; to tell people what their rights are. Marrying animals, siblings or even wheels of cheese are absolutely NOT in any way the same as marrying a member of the same sex. It is moronic to even compare them, and just makes people sound ridiculous. Having "gay friends" doesn't mean anything either; it’s like a badge people wear to try and seem tolerant. So is “oh, I love them to death I do…” Obviously, not enough to give them the same right they enjoy.

Traditionally, marriages were arranged for financial gain or an increase in status. Men regularly had affairs, even to the point where the other woman could live in the same house as the man's family. Women used to be blamed if they didn't "produce" sons; they were beaten or killed for having affairs or questioning the fidelity of the man. Some of these attributes went on as late as the sixties. That is not a tradition I want to keep. Granted, today’s marriages (for the most part) are different. That means they aren’t “traditional” either; they have changed with society. Adultery is still not a punishable crime though, is it? It is a civil (legal) matter. So is marriage, and legally, all people are supposed to be created equal. If marriage is so sacred, why not stop a drunken couple in Vegas from desecrating it?

Stating that things were better when woman stayed at home to cook and clean and men did the work is so disgusting I could vomit. This man is a complete sexist, which taints anything he tries to say about the rights he thinks people should have. He claims to be tolerant in the first half, and blatantly displays that he isn't in the last half. He actually hurts the cause of people trying to fight this bill

Yes, taxes are bad. Blame the guy who’s been in charge for the last 8 years; he made it that way. Since men still make more than women, two "dudes" together should make a great financial couple.

The Merry Christmas thing was indeed stupid in my opinion. Say whatever you want; you are celebrating a season. However, don't get huffy when I say "Merry Yule" or Happy Kwanzaa."

The Bible was not written by God but men, who are fallible. When God tells me himself that is what he 'decrees,' I'll listen.

Using different words (garriage, as mentioned by one comment is horribly insulting and childish) isn’t the same. Here is my comparison: Separate but equal; having a black school and a white school apart from each other. Both get taught sure, but bear the stigma of hate, fear and intolerance. Neither of these are equal and by my own personal standards, moral. (Morality is not the same for everyone either, everyone has their own set whether we agree or not.)

This is about equality for all humans. The modern term ‘marriage’ signifies a consensual union. Not just between man and woman, but by people who want to spend their lives together with the person they love. The name means a lot, or this argument wouldn’t even occur. Homosexuals want the same rights to use that term; the word that means so much. It’s like saying they can’t use the word “love”, but have to say “really like;” it just isn’t the same.

I respect that I completely disagree with this person and I feel sorry for them, while at the same time feel ill. I believe that not all conservatives are extremists, even though I have yet to meet a conservative who believes the same about liberals. Liberals in my experience are more tolerant, more reasonable, more factual and for the most part less extreme. I say “factual” because we are often accused of taking science over faith, which can (but not always) be true; just as not all conservatives blindly follow every word of the Bible if they are not comfortable with it. I dislike this man, but I am not disregarding anyone’s beliefs, which this man proudly does.

I will now ask you to respect MY views, as I have done; but asking won’t make anyone do it. I’ll still get told that I am “prayed for” by people who pity me and told that I am “going to burn in hell” by those who disagree. I will not say anyone is going to hell; or wish them harm. I am simply presenting the other side of this controversial subject.

Prop. 8 view, Part 1

This was posted by someone I love, which only makes it harder to believe and more painful to read. My opinion and response will be the immediate next blog.

---"I didn't write this, but I completely agree. HAHA we'll see if any "executive orders" get handed down about this..."

Okay...a lot of people are blogging about Prop 8 (same sex marriage). The protesters call it discrimmination. Sorry, that's not it.

This all started during the AIDS scare and outbreak, when gay couples wanted access to sick and dying friends in the hospital. I'm all for this. Sign a contract. Make legal arrangments. Anyone can make a legal document to give another person an executor, trust, or partnership role in matters such as these. You don't have to be married. (By the way - I have personally watched people die of AIDS when I was a deputy sheriff working the jail hospital. So don't think I'm coming from some ill-informed, insensitive frame of reference.)

When this was pointed out, the gay rights movement changed the montra. Now it's "civil rights" and "discrimination". No, it's not. Any gay person can marry. They just have to marry the opposite sex.

People can't marry animals or several partners...or their siblings. Why? Because this causes problems in society which people once understood. It was common sense at one time. Now we have blurred morality...blurred sense...it's all about the entitlement attitudes of today's American left.I have gay friends. I respect those people. I want them to be happy. But I don't want them to hijack traditional marriage. What is wrong with Civil Unions? Or call it Gay unity or whatever. Most people have no problem with this. We're all God's children.The bottom line is that homosexual people are not entitled because of some perceived "right".

The idea of Gay marriage has been on the California ballot TWICE now. Both times Californians have rejected it. That's how democracy works. This is a democratic republic. You can't keep trying to force your ideology and agendas on the people through activist courts. Elections are how people in a free society govern their country.I am sick and tired of the arguements in favor of gay marriage. They point to the high divorce rates, single parent familes, etc. Pointing to flaws in the current system is not a route to radicalizing, hijacking and changing it to something else.It is my opinion that liberalism is the cause of these issues in the first place. To "fix" them with more liberalism is to throw gas on an already burning fire.

When did traditional marriage begin having problems? Was it around the same time, liberalism gained strength in America? Was it at the dawn of feminism in the 60's along with "free love" and liberalism...? That's right, it was. Liberalism promotes "if it feels good, do it." Everything goes, unless it's traditional. If it's traditional, somehow it's "ignorant" or not progressive or racist or sexist or discrimination or any number of buzz words the loud left can come up with to get their way.

Last year, we couldn't say "Merry Christmas". When I was a kid, moms stayed home with the children and raised their families while dad worked. In those days people could afford to buy a house and pay all the bills on one salary. Now, we have both parents working several jobs and we still can't pay all the taxes.And we're going to dig ourselves out of this hole by allowing two dudes to get married? We solve this by allowing kindergarten teachers to hand out "The Two Kings" and indoctrinate kids about how it's okay for two guys to be married? Now respect my opinion and my beliefs. Respect the election and democracy. Knock off the "discrimination" bullshit because it's not.

Marriage is for one man and one woman, so they can have a biological family, and continue the human race. That's how mother nature designed it. That's how it's supposed to be. Go get hitched in a ceremony among your friends, put together some legal documentation for your living Will and call it whatever you want. Leave marriage alone. (Let me just add...thats how GOD designed it to be!)

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Our Phone Call from Barack Obama

On Saturday, November 1, Barack Obama held a conference call with over 20,000 of his grass roots campaign volunteers and organizers. I am proud to say that due to my Aunt Mary's outstanding work in the Auburn area chapter of the Obama campaign, two of my aunts, my mother, two sisters and myself participated in this call.

We huddled around a cell phone in a hotel room, straining to hear this great man congratulate and thank all of us for the support and tremendous help on his behalf. He asked us to continue on Monday, to get out the vote to everyone we could and help all who may need help getting to the polls. He said how proud he was of all of us; how humbled it made him. He swore that he would not disappoint us. A few of us cried.

This was a once-in-a-lifetime moment. He took time out from the last crucial period of his two-year long campaign to personally thank over 20,000 of the men and women who have believed in him so much that they took time away from their lives to support his vision of change in America. I have never been more proud of my country.

As promised, we all spent half of the day Monday walking door-to-door hanging fliers on voters' doors reminding them to get out and be heard on November 4th. I spent over an hour in line to cast my vote, and I have never been more sure that I cast it for the right person.