Careful, my uterus has potential.
"It seems unbelievable, but the Bush Administration is quietly trying to redefine "abortion" to include birth control. The Houston Chronicle says this could wipe out dozens of state laws that protect women's reproductive
freedom and protect rape victims. And this proposed "rule change" doesn't need congressional approval.
I just signed a message to Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt, whose department is considering this rule change, telling him: "Contraception is NOT abortion." Can you add your voice to this cause?
Click here to sign the message: "
Since Pro-Life defines abortion as murder, I make this statement: killing a spider in your shower as being murder is less absurd than contraception.
When a man is forced to keep a pregnancy, even after being raped, only then he can even voice his thoughts about having these rights taken away. Men can have sex all they want to and not worry about getting pregnant, so these rules don't even apply to them. This sounds more like a tactic to keep women celibate to avoid getting pregnant, while men sleep with anyone they want. Did I miss something? Is this Iraq? Are you going to castrate us women next so sex isn't even enjoyable? Where does this stop?
This is from a pro-life website:
"Evidently, as we now know, there is no "moment of conception." The ovum is just as alive before it is fertilized as it is after, and who could deny that sperm are alive and behave purposefully? Does not the ripe, gravid ovum, coursing its way down the fallopian tube, actively emitting chemical signals in the hope of attracting sperm, have a potential for becoming human? Does not the sperm, in their multitudes, swimming vigorously by the hour in their quest to impregnate an ovum, also have a potential to become human?"
"We assert, therefore, that both egg and sperm live and behave purposefully. Each is endowed with a will to live as each seeks out the other in a life and death bid to become human. Together they have the potential for becoming a human being, and that which has the potential to become human must be accorded the right to life.
"We hold that every ovum has a right to life, a right to be fertilized, and every sperm has the right to at least have a chance to fulfill its quest to unite with an ovum. We do, of course, recognize that certain changes in our laws and customs must be made. The necessary changes may seem strange at first, but the dictates of morality demand them to be made."
"Among the changes:
- For all women during periods of infertility, sexual intercourse (involving ejaculation) is to be avoided and should at other times be concidered obligatory (unless artificial insemination is prefered).
- For all fertile men, all acts of extravagnial emission must be prohibited (unless a sperm donation is being made).
- All forms of post-gametogenic birth control are to be banned.
- Menstrual exudate, which must be presumed to contain an ovum, whether fertilized or not, must be collected and given full funeral rights."
Sh'what?? I am supposed to BURY MY PERIOD? Little tampons in a shoe box? Are you KIDDING?? This is the rambling of sheer lunatics.
Where the hell do these bureaucratic men and over zealous religious crazies get off deciding what I do with my body? Don't force your morals on me, I'm not doing it to you! I'm not going to make a law saying you MUST get abortions! I can legally stretch my skin, cut, brand, tattoo and pierce myself...but I can't use birth control? Preventing a pregnancy from even happening is NOT ABORTION. Nothing was even fertilized! The "potential to make a baby" argument is ridiculous. I have the potential to be a mass murderer, but I'm not. My desk has the potential to catch fire, but without a flame, I'm willing to bet that won't happen. If this is the definition, that means no condoms guys; have fun with that.
So, the big plan is to never have sex until you are both tested and married. This won't happen. Never has, never will. Sex is fun, that's one of the reasons people do it! Protection not only for pregnancy, but diseases too. If that is taken away people will still have sex, just unprotected. So, Aids and STDs will run rampant through our country; and this "potential for life" will kill the people already alive.
I'm moving to Europe where elected officials aren't completely insane or actively trying to kill their own (living) population.