Take a deep breath and think about it.

I used to call myself "little Miss Cranky-Pants". Over the last few years, I've change my outlook on life and am happier than before, but still working on my issues (aren't we all?) This is where I display and comment on the views of today, funny posts and constant chronicles of my annoying weight loss.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Religion in Public Schools

I myself do not endorse "organized religion," which is in never really organized. My problem with this is that it does flagrantly go against the separation of church and state, as it says. Even if the judge ruled that they had to include opposing materials as well (atheism, agnostic) those are technically still considered religions, so it is the same thing. Unless these children are in a religious school (not public), this should not happen. If parents want to teach their children about religion, they should do it at home.

Judge orders La. school district to stop Bible giveaways
By JANET McCONNAUGHEY, Associated Press Writer Wed Apr 23, 12:00 AM ET

NEW ORLEANS - A federal judge ordered a public school system to stop allowing in-school Bible
"Distribution of Bibles is a religious activity without a secular purpose" and amounts to school board promotion of Christianity, U.S. District Judge Carl J. Barbier ruled in a case brought by the American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana against the Tangipahoa Parish School Board.

As requested by both sides, Barbier made a summary judgment based only on the written briefs — something judges may do only if the law is absolutely clear. Defense attorney Christopher M. Moody said late Tuesday that the school board decided to appeal the ruling to the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal.

"We think our chances on appeal are very good," he said. The ACLU filed the lawsuit for an anonymous family whose daughter said she felt pressured into taking a Bible even though she doesn't believe in God. The girl was called Jane Roe and her father John Roe out of fear of retaliation by schoolmates and neighbors, the ACLU has said. Jane Roe was a fifth-grader at Loranger Middle School when The Gideons International visited on May 9, 2007. Principal Andre Pellerin notified fifth-grade teachers that the group would be on campus all day, giving away Bibles outside his office. His e-mail said, "Please stress to students that they DO NOT have to get a bible," according to Barbier.

However, the judge wrote, even procedures upheld as neutral for secondary school students might be out of bounds for "an impressionable young elementary-age child." He cited a ruling that upheld a West Virginia county's system of putting both religious and nonreligious material on a secondary school table where school students could walk past it. Grade-school children might not understand that the school board was not endorsing any of the materials, the 4th Circuit Court of Appeal said in that case.

At Loranger, the table outside the principal's office also created the impression that the school was endorsing Christianity, Barbier wrote. Moody said the school board was working on a policy along the lines of the one cited by Barbier, but it was still being developed. But, he said, the board believes the current policy is legal.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Such lovely Fairies

Oh look! The magical food fairy has made me lunch!! This is definitely for me, it doesn't have anyone's name on it! Look at all the great stuff all nice and packaged up from last nights dinner. No one but the food fairy would do this! Certainly not someone who carefully put it together for their lunch at work tomorrow! Nope, this is for me to eat at 3 am when I should be sleeping, but I'm not because I decided to sleep through dinner! Thank God that fairy knew to save me some. I wonder if she is related to the shopping fairy who buys all of my free food and toiletries? Maybe they're cousins to the cleaning fairies, who clean up after all the shit I leave around! How cosmic. Isn't it nice to act permanently 5 years old?